Make Your Next Employee Your Best Employee

Aug 06, 2024

So here is the question.  Are your best employees just born with the ‘I’m a great employee’ Gene, or are they made? 

The truth is that while we find ourselves complaining about our employees, the generation, the work ethic, the lack of knowledge.  Far too many times we forget to see that the problem could be us. 

And by the end of the year, we find that we have wasted $40,000+ on hiring employees only to have them not work out long-term.

But the good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way.  In truth your best employees have been trained well, and have a clear understanding of what is expected of them on a daily/weekly basis. 

Here are four elements to making your next employee your BEST employee: 

  1. Clear Job Descriptions: 
    • Outline Responsibilities: Ensure each employee understands their specific role and responsibilities.
    • Expectations: Clearly communicate performance expectations and standards.
  2. Comprehensive Orientation:
    • Company Culture: Introduce new hires to your restaurant’s culture, mission, and values.
    • Policies and Procedures: Review all relevant policies, procedures, and safety regulations.
  3. Structured Training Program:
    • Training Manual: Provide a detailed training manual or handbook as a reference.
    • Skill-Based Training: Offer practical training on key tasks, such as food preparation, serving, and customer service.
  4. Shadowing and Mentorship:
    • Experienced Staff Guidance: Pair new employees with experienced staff members to observe and learn.
    • Mentorship: Implement a mentorship program to provide ongoing support and development.

Labor is too important of an expense to our operations not to take these steps seriously.  But the good news is that our foodify experts can and WILL improve your staff turnover and retention in 30 days or less. 

Are you ready to say enough-is-enough to the same old approach to labor training? 

Are you ready to have a partner in training your staff, standing with you in your operations to evaluate your team and generate a customized training program that works for YOUR operations? 

Click on the link below to schedule a call with our foodify experts to learn more about our team training and development programs. 

The savings are real.  The time to improve is now.

Let's go!

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